@everyone Here is the status as we close the week. Migration:. -Dawswap complete. -Lockers complete.

22 Jul 2023, 07:01
@everyone Here is the status as we close the week. ➡️ Migration: -Dawswap complete -Lockers complete -Bridge: just pending script migration => You can send USDT in the bridge but will only receive the USDT-R when the script migration will be completed -Midnight Trades: Migration is technically done but pending tests prior reopening. -Next steps: -Validator dashboard -All testnet environment -Rebate dAPP/NFT Shop -Trace Scanner -Migration will remain a priority focus next 2 weeks. ➡️ Midnight Trades: -All items (7 improvements/UI updates) have completed users tests,the team will work on implementation once the migration to new servers is completed. -Sniffer for ERC-721 NFT is coded, pending test, that the key dependency for NFT shop. -ERC1155 to be addressed later ➡️ Rebate Cycle 4: -Dependency on migration, Midnight Trades, dAPP integration and a dedicated dAPP to enable the internal transfer of NFT to the contracts (both Polygon and Redlight) -target to restart test/development next week. -Based on progress this week, best estimate to start Cycle 4 is at least 3 weeks from now so mid August, will fine tune this estimate at end of each week, hope to be able to improve the schedule.