@everyone. Ladies and gentlemen,.

20 Aug 2023, 09:15
@everyone Ladies and gentlemen, Today marks the commemoration of our inaugural anniversary since the inception of our blockchain. This journey has been filled with both triumphs and setbacks, yielding a collective wealth of insights that we have assimilated as one core team. Internally, a considerable array of transformative adjustments have been implemented, marking the enhancement of our team's prowess and the amplification of our operational efficiency. Furthermore, from an external perspective, the feeling of dormancy belies the dynamic evolution transpiring behind the scenes. Our current workload has reached unprecedented levels. This is particularly noteworthy when one factors in that we have established the world's only gasless blockchain and devised protocols that defy replication within alternative blockchain frameworks. This accomplishment should serve as an indication of our substantial dedication and innovation. While others who have faced the same level or less challenges than us have given up, we are still here working away with no intention of going anywhere any time soon. Oppositely, we plan to build to a point where we become more permanent. This is and will continue taking time to achieve. Presently, it is no secret that our financial standing is less than optimal. Engagements with multiple venture capital entities are ongoing as we strive to reconfigure our operational framework. Our commitment to this cause has compelled us to forego personal conveniences, all in the pursuit of achieving a financial equilibrium that permits both sustained operation and continued innovative endeavors. Our plan is to introduce as many professionals as possible to continuously grow our solutions architectural and development abilities to cater to as many enterprise clients as possible while having enough resources ready-to-go to cater to those projects that will be building on our blockchain. While this point has been previously underscored, it warrants reiteration: the era of hype and speculation has waned. We are now unequivocally positioned and operating as nothing less than a technology solutions enterprise. Away from DeFi protocols and all that brings with it. Our strategic pivot involves recalibrating our business orientation to cater substantially to business-to-business (B2B) relationships. We are ensuring to diminish any form of significant reliance on cryptocurrency markets in all forms. Our bespoke custom solutions hold limitless potential for enterprises seeking adept technological resolutions that only we can offer within the entire market. Both B2B and B2C. This competitive edge is the bedrock upon which we forge robust partnerships, both existing and prospective. The profound lesson that hits home for all of us, including yourself, should be the understanding that the cryptocurrency market’s volatility is a force to be reckoned with. It is necessary everyone acknowledges that the cryptocurrency arena ranks among the most risky plays within all landscapes. While instantaneous wealth can be realized, the immediate erosion of fortunes is equally plausible. We gaze toward the horizon with optimism. Our conviction is firmly rooted in the anticipation of a bountiful trajectory, eclipsing all previous milestones. The laborious workload at hand serves as a testament to this prospect, fueling our resolve. In the coming days, we eagerly anticipate unveiling the Epitome Cloud platform, a platform that should be preceded shortly by the launch of another exciting product, details of which shall be communicated in due course. Our gratitude is extended to all who have supported us during these trying times. Happy anniversary. To better years. Sincerely, The Team.