@everyone Quick status on Rebate Cycle 3:. dAPP link is:. You can claim your monthly USDT-R rebate from the dAPP.

07 Jun 2023, 20:06
@everyone Quick status on Rebate Cycle 3: dAPP link is: https://rebate-c3.redlightscan.network/ You can claim your monthly USDT-R rebate from the dAPP. During this Cycle we're also planning to introduce NFT Shop. 💥You can Claim & Participate to the shop during the same cycle provided your wallet is still eligible. 💥Here is the latest menu for this first batch: ➡️-Governors of Infinity: qty 100, price $150 ➡️-The Krypto Miners Club: qty 250, price $500 ➡️-DeHedge Funds: qty 80, price $800 - can get randomly one of the the 4 tiers from below quantities of NFT: Common: 55 - Odds to get one from the shop 68.8% Rare: 20 - Odds 25% ✅Ultra-Rare: 3 - Odds 3.8% ✅Legendary: 2 - Odds 2.5% ➡️ basically we had quite a lucky mint with lower odds to get a Common than the protocol odds(70%) and higher odds to get a Rare(Minting odds was 20%) or a Legendary(2%) 😉 More to come in announcements to track progress on NFT Shop readiness.