@everyone. We will be having our next AMA on Thursday @ 1pm UTC in our discord .

17 May 2023, 13:10
@everyone We will be having our next AMA on Thursday @ 1pm UTC in our discord . Due to timezone differences and availability this is at the same time of day as our last AMA, but we will begin to adjust the time of the AMA from the next AMA onwards. Here we will be giving everyone an update on not only Pinnacle Staking, but also providing an update on how the Alibaba Partner Summit Leo and Joe attended this week in Singapore. Any and all questions are welcome at the end so be sure to come along! Speaking of Pinnacle Staking, please see the Whitepaper for Pinnacle Staking in relation to the Rebate Program attached. As there are added variables based on community feedback to enhance Pinnacle Staking such as providing additional bonuses and pullback functions, this option will not be available this month. Because of this, the Peak Unlock Prices may end up differing if there are any drastic changes in the price of REDLC before this goes live (e.g if the price is well above the Peak Unlock Prices). If in the event that these adjustments do end up happening, we will give everyone notice as soon as that decision is made.