@everyoneSummary of the open items as of 06/01:. Rebate:. Cycle 3 dAPP is restarted** BUT the Claim button is not activated yet.

01 Jun 2023, 16:05
@everyoneSummary of the open items as of 06/01: ➡️ Rebate: Cycle 3 dAPP is restarted** BUT the Claim button is not activated yet.**⚠️ The team is still working on back end enablement => will keep you posted on progress but it may take a few more days now as the same team is also working on the NFT shop. In order to better anticipate next month transition we will stop the Cycle 3 claim process on Monday 06/26. ➡️ NFT Shop: NFT shop is progressing, we now have the menu identified, the shop structure has been progressing on the Redlight part, working on the Polygon part. Target is to have the NFT shop deployed within the next 2 weeks Menu for first batch: -Governors of Infinity -The Krypto Miners Club (Polygon) -deHedge Fund Prerequisite: get Midnight Trade ready for the collections we will propose in the NFT shop. (Collection import iteration 1&2) ➡️ Midnight Trades: 1-Collection import iteration 1: Implemented -Static import of Collection is now possible, this was an important milestone to enable next steps. -Complete Redlight Link collection imported -deHedge Collection under import process (working on a few duplicated occurrences showing in MT) 2-Collection import iteration 2: being worked 🛠️ -Now a collection is fully imported based on minted NFT on this contract, we need to ensure newly minted NFT are also captured by the dAPP. -This capability is also needed to capture the transfer of ownership from the NFT Shop airdropped NFT. 3-Verified collections: Implemented -Music Gods, deHedge, RLL are showing the verified ticker Improvements being worked: -Display listed NFTs at the beginning of the listing of a collection -Show Contract reference under the collection name -Display Token ID from contract instead of the NFT ranking in MT -"Make and Offer" capability