From Dad. Timeline updates May 9th. arrow_right Rebate:.

09 May 2023, 23:16
From Dad. Timeline updates May 9th. arrow_right Rebate: 1- Claim Button: Some users eligible for rebate are not getting the claim button active 2 types of root cause: - Users that pressed the claim function several times, was recorded by the back end process even if user only receive a single claim amount. - Some back-end calculations logic to be fixed for specific cases (dAPP is showing the the right "Remaining to Rebate" value but the calculated value is not correct for these wallets) Both fixes under analysis, team is confident it can be deployed by end of this week. 2- Transaction listing formatting: Still work in progress, raw data is recorded in a database that is feeding the dAPP. This raw data was stored from the various scripts that have been running separately for each category. Now need to refine this raw data to get it easier to read, from various script formats. In the meantime, you can follow the steps in #💰︱rebate-talk pinned messages to reformat it in excel. arrow_right Pinnacle Staking: As shared in today AMA, based on community feedback after the publication of Pinnacle Staking article, the team is looking at the creation of a set of rules to ensure the Rebate instance of Pinnacle staking is getting a safety exit capability (in case the peak price is not reached within a given timeframe). Target is to complete the parameters definition around next AMA so we can debrief and get some feedback. Once we get a stable set of requirements, we will pass them to the developers. High level plan is then a few weeks for coding, testing, fine tuning so at this stage no more expected to be ready by end of current month. Will share more granularity on the planning as we progress on this topic. arrow_right Alchemist: All new contracts are ready, the protocol is working ok, users are receiving ALCC v2 when claiming. Need to reopen the trading (pending the team to refill the new liquidity pool) should be done within a couple of days now. arrow_right Bridge: As shared in today AMA, Bridge is still under hypercare more, the team is clearing the backlog daily in order to keep the security under control. Will monitor to ensure no more than 24h Bridge period.

Same news in other sources

Redlight Chain
Redlight ChainREDLC #8497
10 May 2023, 20:19
@everyone Timeline updates May 10th, ➡️ Rebate: 1- Claim Button: Fix deployed.✅ 2- Transaction listing formatting: The technical has been working on a first iteration of the reformatting, under technical testing right now. Should be ready for first user tests tomorrow, and based on feedback we may have a couple of iterations (investigate, code, tests) before deploying it on the dAPP In the meantime, you can follow the steps in rebate talk pinned messages to reformat it in excel. ➡️ Alchemist: A minor bug reported: dAPP is showing the ALCC balance of the old contract. No impact on users, just the wrong info displayed, but the right ALCC balance is showing on your metamask Under investigation but should be a quick fix. ALCC Trading opening: still on track to get it reopened tomorrow
@everyone Timeline updates May 10th,. Rebate:. 1- Claim Button: Fix deployed. 2- Transaction listing formatting:.
@everyone Timeline updates May 10th, ➡️ Rebate: 1- Claim Button: Fix deployed.✅ 2- Transaction listing formatting: The technical has been working on a first iteration of the reformatting, under technical testing right now. Should be ready for first user tests tomorrow, and based on feedback we may have a couple of iterations (investigate, code, tests) before deploying it on the dAPP In the meantime, you can follow the steps in rebate talk pinned messages to reformat it in excel. ➡️ Alchemist: A minor bug reported: dAPP is showing the ALCC balance of the old contract. No impact on users, just the wrong info displayed, but the right ALCC balance is showing on your metamask Under investigation but should be a quick fix. ALCC Trading opening: still on track to get it reopened tomorrow
Redlight Chain
Redlight ChainREDLC #8497
10 May 2023, 13:03
Redlighters! Our next AMA will be held on 17 May 2023 4:00 am. The main point of discussion will be to explain in more detail how Pinnacle Staking will work for the Rebate (As you will have this whitepaper in your hands to digest before then), and provide you all with updates. As per usual we will be happy to answer questions of all sorts at the end, as we are aiming to hold these AMAs at different times each week to cater to those from different time zones. I look forward to seeing you there!
Redlighters. Our next AMA will be held on 17 May 2023 4:00 am.
Redlighters! Our next AMA will be held on 17 May 2023 4:00 am. The main point of discussion will be to explain in more detail how Pinnacle Staking will work for the Rebate (As you will have this whitepaper in your hands to digest before then), and provide you all with updates. As per usual we will be happy to answer questions of all sorts at the end, as we are aiming to hold these AMAs at different times each week to cater to those from different time zones. I look forward to seeing you there!
Redlight Chain
Redlight ChainREDLC #8497
10 May 2023, 09:46
Community Announcement- from Kyle I want to express my thanks to all who participated in the AMA. I extend my sincere thanks to those who requested to be unmuted and promised to behave but be constructively critical. Despite enduring a constant stream of unhelpful criticism for weeks, and sometimes even months on end, mutes & even some bans were lifted to ensure that the AMA remains as transparent as possible, where everyone was and will be continued to be provided the opportunity to speak. For those unmuted and unbanned, rest assured that you were granted that privilege thoroughly and not only for the AMA – so if you haven’t realized it yet, you should have your original roles restored back to you and can actively engage in the community again. Naturally, you are being watched. I am extending my hand to you but I will not take kindly to having it slapped away. I feel compelled to clarify the underlying reason for this approach: I strongly dislike resorting to banning, muting, or taking any form of action against grown individuals in general. In my eyes, personally, you are family. I’ve said that since the start and will continue to say that till the end. When I joined Redlight Network, my goal wasn’t to build a community. I wanted & successfully built a family where everyone of all shapes, sizes and color is welcome. Nevertheless, it is crucial to maintain the Discord community as a space where OGs, partners, newcomers, and adopters can communicate effectively and rationally, undisturbed by baseless complaints. Please understand that this does not mean you are prohibited from voicing concerns. On the contrary, as the AMA demonstrated, constructive criticism is not only welcome but also actively encouraged. We, the team, and I acknowledge we are only human and no human is perfect. Thus, constructive criticism serves as a valuable tool for reflection & improvement. Today, we will be communicating the new time & date for our upcoming AMA. As communicated, it was agreed to make these sessions a weekly occurrence, providing more opportunities for engaging discussions. Additionally, I will also be introducing voice chat sessions (separate to the scheduled weekly AMAs) to further enhance communication with you all. However, I cannot specifically commit to a fixed time or date for this. Instead, they will mostly be happening randomly. The rationale behind this approach is quite straightforward: I am fully dedicated to significantly improving communication across all departments of Redlight Network. This requires a lot of time and effort. While engaging with you through voice chat is important, it falls under the category of a luxury compared to the pressing *need* of enhancing internal & external communication. Naturally, needs will be prioritized otherwise I would be doing you and Redlight Network a disservice. Thank you for your support as we strive to work for a stronger and more connected Network for Redlight. MaltaKyle
Community Announcement- from Kyle. I want to express my thanks to all who participated in the AMA.
Community Announcement- from Kyle I want to express my thanks to all who participated in the AMA. I extend my sincere thanks to those who requested to be unmuted and promised to behave but be constructively critical. Despite enduring a constant stream of unhelpful criticism for weeks, and sometimes even months on end, mutes & even some bans were lifted to ensure that the AMA remains as transparent as possible, where everyone was and will be continued to be provided the opportunity to speak. For those unmuted and unbanned, rest assured that you were granted that privilege thoroughly and not only for the AMA – so if you haven’t realized it yet, you should have your original roles restored back to you and can actively engage in the community again. Naturally, you are being watched. I am extending my hand to you but I will not take kindly to having it slapped away. I feel compelled to clarify the underlying reason for this approach: I strongly dislike resorting to banning, muting, or taking any form of action against grown individuals in general. In my eyes, personally, you are family. I’ve said that since the start and will continue to say that till the end. When I joined Redlight Network, my goal wasn’t to build a community. I wanted & successfully built a family where everyone of all shapes, sizes and color is welcome. Nevertheless, it is crucial to maintain the Discord community as a space where OGs, partners, newcomers, and adopters can communicate effectively and rationally, undisturbed by baseless complaints. Please understand that this does not mean you are prohibited from voicing concerns. On the contrary, as the AMA demonstrated, constructive criticism is not only welcome but also actively encouraged. We, the team, and I acknowledge we are only human and no human is perfect. Thus, constructive criticism serves as a valuable tool for reflection & improvement. Today, we will be communicating the new time & date for our upcoming AMA. As communicated, it was agreed to make these sessions a weekly occurrence, providing more opportunities for engaging discussions. Additionally, I will also be introducing voice chat sessions (separate to the scheduled weekly AMAs) to further enhance communication with you all. However, I cannot specifically commit to a fixed time or date for this. Instead, they will mostly be happening randomly. The rationale behind this approach is quite straightforward: I am fully dedicated to significantly improving communication across all departments of Redlight Network. This requires a lot of time and effort. While engaging with you through voice chat is important, it falls under the category of a luxury compared to the pressing *need* of enhancing internal & external communication. Naturally, needs will be prioritized otherwise I would be doing you and Redlight Network a disservice. Thank you for your support as we strive to work for a stronger and more connected Network for Redlight. MaltaKyle