Hi @everyone, here is an update on the last steps before Rebate Cycle 4 launch:.

24 Aug 2023, 17:15
Hi @everyone, here is an update on the last steps before Rebate Cycle 4 launch: Even if we started the week with a downtime on Redlight side the teams working on Rebate Cycle 4 were still able to work on Polygon developments so no time wasted. The team working on the blockchain is different from the teams engaged in Rebate Cycle 4 / NFT Shop / Midnight Trades developments anyway. ---------- Summary ---------- -Good progress on the overall readiness for DeHedge NFT Collection -Work on going for Governors of Infinity and KMC -NFT "sniffer" capability tests nearly completed - Should enable Midnight Trades to capture transfers of ownership from NFT shop to new owners. ---------- Details ---------- 1️⃣** -"Sniffer" fine tuning: On Going (but ok as is) ** -The tests are running while the team is investigating opportunities to move from 97% to 100% success rate of detection. =>This point is not a show stopper for Rebate 4/NFT Shop implementation 2️⃣ -Sniffer tests and deployment on Mainnet: -Newly Minted NFT: Test OK - detected by MT✅ -Transfers of newly minted NFT - Transferred from wallet to wallet using Metamask and properly detected by MT.✅ -MM transfers of existing collections - DeHedge NFT transfers from wallet to wallet were detected by the updated version of sniffer -Last remaining test: Transfers from NFT shop contract to a user's wallet 🔧 On Going -Once tests completed we will deploy the sniffer on production version of Midnight Trades. 3️⃣ -Dedicated dAPP to enable transfers of NFTs to the NFT shop contract (internal dAPP): -Deployment of contracts on mainnet: -Polygon - Deployed, test on going 🔧 -Redlight - on going 🔧 -Tests of airdrop dAPP: 🔧 On Going -Test Ok on ERC-721 NFT newly minted on Redlight Mainnet✅ -Test OK on ERC-721 NFT on Polygon Testnet✅ -Test OK on ERC 721 NFT previously minted (ex DeHedge) -Next tests: ERC-1155 on Redlight Network (Governor of Infinity) and ERC-721 NFT on Polygon Mainnet (KMC) -Transfer of 250 KMC, 100 Governors of Infinity and 80 DeHedge to the NFT shop contract 4️⃣ -Deployment of Rebate Cycle 4 + NFT Shop on Mainnet -Run user tests on Mainnet 5️⃣ **-Communicate Launch date and time: **most probably will be a week day, around noon UTC so end of day for Asia, mid day for Europe, and morning for Americas 6️⃣** -Launch Rebate Cycle 4.**