Hi @everyone - from Kyle.

13 May 2023, 22:26
Hi @everyone - from Kyle Today, (it's midnight here right now) - we celebrate mother's day and I wanted to take the opportunity to wish all of the mothers in our community, especially the ones in our team gengen, Eve and Jazzy a Happy Mother's Day. Today has not been an exciting day on a business development side of things. It was a day spent with my legal team to take down defaming & slanderous websites in a pathethic attempt to try and damage me on a personal level as well as Redlight Network. Happy to report that 2 of 3 websites were taken down and I am currently working with my legal team & the authorities to shut down the only one remaining. My lawyer is in talks with two media houses that released false articles spreading false information to gather further information about the individual that requested the articles to be put up. Happy to report that both media houses have been very apologetic as well as super helpful throughout the entire process. Be careful what websites & Discord channels you visit as we are seeing a lot of websites requesting wallet connects, personal information and fake Discord with fake rebates. We know who one of the main culprits behind this is and are in the process of talking with the company's and my personal legal team to see how best to deal with the situation on a legal level. My suggestion to all of you is to only access websites & links that are provided in this Discord by either myself, Dadgoescrypto or the Founder & co-founders of Redlight Network. Next week should be a very exciting one on a business development level and I will be updating you as the week progresses. I am also super excited to see you all at the AMA! Thank you, MaltaKyle