Key Timeline updates: from Dadgoescrypto. Server Migration:.

26 Jun 2023, 20:42
Key Timeline updates: from Dadgoescrypto ➡️Server Migration: Based on what happened previous week we're working on the migration of all our assets to another more robust / flexible solution. The servers are restarted from original hosting services so we can migrate all our data. Mapping is right now on going to ensure we define a clear migration plan. The idea is to migrate assets one by one, and depending on the complexity we may have to stop the application during the migration phase for a couple of hours (we will keep you informed upfront in such case) 1-Dawnswap (no stop needed) 2-Midnight Trades (will need to be down during database migration) 3-Rebate / NFT Shop 4-Validator Dashboard This week is the preparation phase, and we should start the migration next week. ➡️Rebate / NFT Shop: As the servers were down previous week, we will allow an additional week to claim current month USDT-R. We're planning to synchronize Rebate Cycle 4 with the launch of NFT shop => Estimated early July, but no date yet as priority is given to stabilize servers migration. Dependency on getting ERC-1155 available on MT => We may launch the NFT shop with only KMC and deHedge NFTs, and add Governors of Infinity later in the month. Further updates coming later this week.