Timeline Update: from dadgoescrypto. Status on operational items as we're closing this week:. Midnight Trades:.

16 Jun 2023, 21:24
Timeline Update: from dadgoescrypto Status on operational items as we're closing this week: ➡️ Midnight Trades: Current release is stable all the issues reported that were related to the latest updates have been fixed. Critical items for the NFT shop: -So far we've not been able to import Governors of Infinity Collection, this is our first ERC-1155 Collection and seems more complex than anticipated. -The team is also still working on Collection Import iteration 2 that is expected to deliver a sniffer capability to capture events from the blockchain for imported collection such as wallet transfer. => this is key to get this deployed and functional before the shop is started as by definition the NFT shop will airdrop the NFT to your wallet and this needs to be visible in MT. Several items are in the last phase prior final test ex: -New filtering and sorting options -Floor Price fix ➡️ NFT Shop: Midnight Trades readiness remains a prerequisite to NFT Shop launch, we may well get the shop ready and waiting for MT to be released. The latest estimate is that there is still one shift of Quality assurance to process and we were supposed to get a first tesnet version of the shop tonight. The plan was then to be able to run some user test over the WE and start to work on the findings early next week... Based on the server downtime until Monday, this plan is no more valid as most probably now the testnet version will be released Monday close of business and user test may only start on Tuesday... Assuming 2/3 days of user tests, its means basically that the results of the first user tests should be started to be reworked starting next Friday 26th... Now the big "?" remains the progress of MT critical features in parallel. Based on this uncertainty and the fact we will have to manage transition to Cycle 4 during the last week of June: It sounds more realistic to expect the NFT shop early July now. As usual, we will keep you posted on progress and hope to be able to improve this date but being 5 days from the previous target, we prefer to remain transparent on the evolution of the planning as we progress / face challenges. ➡️ Alchemist: No update at this stage on the script, this is lower priority as user can still claim in the meantime and keep progressing the chains toward the 150% cut off. Have a good WE, and hope to bring better news next week.