Today, we're happy to announce that Parallel Planes has almost finished its second product –.

06 Apr 2023, 19:19
Today, we're happy to announce that Parallel Planes has almost finished its second product Buy via Crypto is an intuitive payment gateway that enables retailers, app developers, and game studios to accept $REDLC payments directly through their websites, apps, and games. But here's the great news, they will process many currencies and convert all of the processing fees into $REDLC, then stake it into the upcoming $REDLC staking pool. That means, 1.5% of every payment made will be converted into $REDLC. To increase the number of currencies they can convert into $REDLC, they will allow any project to process any currency on any EVM-chain, as long as it's listed on CoinMarketCap. Their treasury will help them fundraise, and they will use the funding to build tools that serve the $REDLC ecosystem... This strategy will allow them to continue converting all EVM-based currencies to $REDLC without ever having to spend their $REDLC reserves. We look forward to sharing more information about the three other forms of $REDLC utility that are currently being formalized, Buy via Crypto is just a small taste of what's planned. Buy via Crypto will be live within 2 months, More info at